Scientific News


News from the global scientific community focused on furthering the understanding and treatment of pediculosis, including research and clinical trials.

05.06.14 | Lice transfer assessed using poultry model

A new paper uses a poultry model to assess the risk of re-infestation of lice after pediculicidal treatment.

30.04.14 | Improving trial design for lice treatment

A new study investigates the best parameters for randomly-controlled trials of pediculicidal products.

20.03.14 | Lice resistance research

Two new papers on the response of lice and nits to common treatments have recently been published.

20.03.14 | Efficacy of herbal shampoos against head lice

 A new study has analysed a range of herbal shampoos for their ability to kill head lice.

20.02.14 | ICP5 Call for Abstracts

The International Society of Phthirapterists invites you to register and
submit abstracts for the 5th International Conference on Phthiraptera,
August 2 - 7, 2014 at Canyons Resort in Park City Utah, USA.

31.10.13 | Best Yet! head-lice marketing requires FDA pre-approval

A recent decision by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that advertising claims by makers of Best Yet! head lice products receive Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pre-approval.

31.10.13 | Survey on Italian pediatrician head lice treatment preferences

A recently published survey of Italian pediatricians shows that malathion and pyrethroids are the leading pediculicides of choice for lice infections.

18.09.13 | Study of tocopheryl acetate for lice elimination

A derivative of vitamin E has been investigated for anti-lice properties.

15.06.13 | New study comparing LiceFreee spray with permethrin

New study results have been recently published of a randomly controlled trial comparing 1% sodium chloride spray with 1% permethrin creme.

12.06.13 | New study comparing dimeticone with permethrin

New study results have been recently published of a randomly controlled trial comparing 4% dimeticone liquid gel with 1% permethrin creme.

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