Scientific News


News from the global scientific community focused on furthering the understanding and treatment of pediculosis, including research and clinical trials.

30.01.15 | Under-reported pediculosis papers in 2014

Like the subjects of their study, coverage of academic discussions of pediculosis treatment is often incomplete. Here are three such articles from 2014 which required a second round of treatment to get hold of:

30.01.15 | Clinical Trials Update Jan 2015

 Recent news relevant to clinical trials on pediculosis.

29.09.14 | New Review of Lice Treatments

A new critical review of head lice treatments covers the latest treatment methods and clinical trial methodology.

04.09.14 | Successful Phase 3 results for Hatchtech Xeglyze trials

Hatchtech Pty Ltd this week announced successful results for its phase 3 trials of Xeglyze™ Lotion, a novel lice and egg treatment.

27.08.14 | Clinical Trial Roundup

A summary of recent clinical trial news.

24.07.14 | Review of egg-removal abilities of commercial products

A new study investigates the ability of commercial head lice products to remove eggs from hair.

16.07.14 | Comparison of topical and oral ivermectin

A recent study has found topical ivermectin to have better lice eradication rates than oral ivermectin.

23.06.14 | Further study on herbal shampoos and head lice

A new study further analyses herbal shampoos for their ability to kill head lice.

05.06.14 | FTC fines head lice company for misleading claims

The Federal Trade Commission has fined the manufacturer of Lice Shield $0.5M for misleading advertising claims.

05.06.14 | Use of 1,2-octanediol in preventing lice infection

A new paper reports on a randomised, controlled, cross-over study investigating the efficacy of 1,2- octanediol in preventing lice infection.

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