Scientific News


News from the global scientific community focused on furthering the understanding and treatment of pediculosis, including research and clinical trials.

08.02.12 | FDA grants approval to Sanofi-Topaz Sklice treatment

The FDA have granted approval on Tuesday 7 February 2012 to Sklice® lotion, the ivermectin-based topical treatment produced by Topaz Pharmaceuticals, now part of Sanofi Pasteur US.

31.01.12 | DeOvo trial complete

Australian company Hachtech has completed phase 2b clinical trials to confirm the efficacy and safety of its head lice treatment DeOvo...

31.10.11 | Liceko v Nix

A trial has taken place to compare Liceko® with Nix®/Lyclear®1% permethrin creme rinse....

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