Scientific News


News from the global scientific community focused on furthering the understanding and treatment of pediculosis, including research and clinical trials.

23.10.15 | Evaluation of the plant essential oils to control head lice

An analysis of essential oils from natural compounds has revealed that the leaves of Thymus vulgaris would be an effective and valid tool for the management of head lice.

30.09.15 | A new clade of head lice with potential to transmit disease

A recent paper claims to have found a new Clade of head louse with potential to transmit diseases.

14.09.15 | Evaluation of infestation deterrents against head lice

A recently published study has found infestation deterrents to be highly effective against permethrin-resistant head lice.

14.09.15 | Effect of Environmental variables and Toxic compounds on lice movement

A recent study has shown that temperature, light and exposure to toxic chemicals strongly affect lice movement.

28.08.15 | Lice resistance to pyrethroids found in half of US States

A recent study presented at the American Chemical Society has found that at least 25 US States have lice populations resistant to pyrethroids.

11.08.15 | Alternative splicing and profiling in head and body lice genomes

Head and body lice share a largely identical genome, but express that genome differently, resulting in different physical characteristics and preferred habitats. Recent studies have profiled the entire genome, as well as examining the differences in expression at the genome level.

17.07.15 | Literature update: July 2015

A round up of relevant literature for lice treatments in recent months.

16.07.15 | More data on health effects of older lice treatments

Recent reports have given further evidence for the potential adverse health effects of older lice treatments based on lindane and pyrethroids.

10.04.15 | Lice literature update April 2015

An updated Clinical Evidence profile for head lice treatments was published in early 2015, as well as a study on effectiveness of French head lice treatments.

18.03.15 | Novel pediculicide from bark extract


A new publication reports on testing of a Brazilian tree-bark extract for treating lice infection.

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