Survey of older literature

Created on 16.09.16

A summary of several smaller-impact papers on head lice published in 2015.

  • An examination of 6 – 11 year old students in Erbil city, Kurdistan gave a head lice prevalence of 14%. The study by Abdulla, published in the 2015 Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and revealed that the prevalence of infestation was significantly higher in 6-7 year olds and that prevalence was also higher in girls than boys.
  • A study examining the prevalence of head louse among primary students in Fayoum and Bagor districts of Egypt gave head lice prevalence of 16.7%. This cross-sectional descriptive study by Abd el Raheem, published in the April 2015 Journal of Community Health suggests that the incidence was higher in public schools 20.7% than in private schools 9.04% and in girls more than boys.
  • A study assessing the prevalence of head lice among primary school girls in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia revealed that 12.2% of students were infected with head lice. The study by Al-Megrin published in the Research Journal of Environmental Sciences suggests that higher infestation was observed among students with long hair, poor family and illiterate mothers.
  • A study aimed at recording the head lice prevalence among girl students at an elementary school in JeddahCity, Saudi Arabia, revealed a prevalence of 11.26%. The study by Al-Zanbagi published in the 2015 Acta Parasitologica Globalis Journal revealed that head lice intensity was greater in the students who live with their parents and lower among students whose parents have high educational levels.
  • An analysis of the concatenated sequences of head lice populations collected from pupils at different elementary schools in Algeria revealed for the first time that Clade B head lice in Africa lives in sympatry with Clade A head lice. The study by Boutellis, et al., published in the journal of Medical and Veterinary Entomology suggests that Clade A and Clade B had recombined and that interbreeding occurs when lice live in sympatry.
  • A revised clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics revises older guidance in view of newer approved medications for lice treatment. The report by Devore CD was published in the April 2015 edition of Pediatrics.
  • A study analysing the mitochondrial DNA of seven ancient louse eggs found on hair remains from two sites in Israel suggests that these eggs belonged to people originating from West Africa. The study by Drali, et al., published in the September 2015 edition of American Journal of Tropical Medicine analysed five nits dating from Chalcolithic Period and two nits sating from Early Islamic Period.
  • A study investigating the efficacy of clove oil and eucalyptus oil suggests that in practice clove oil has a higher toxicity as compared to eucalyptus when fighting head lice. The study by Dhumal published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research investigated the efficacy of essential oils that have high medicinal value.


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