Arrestant Effect of Human Scalp Components on Head Louse Behaviour

Created on 16.02.17

A new study analysing the effect of human scalp components on the behavior of adult head lice has shown for the first time the effect of host components conditioning on head lice behavior.

The study by Ortega-Insaurralde et al., published in the December 2016 Journal of Medical Entomology suggests that scalp components induced head lice to decrease average locomotor activity and to remain arrested on the treated paper.

In the study filter paper segments were rubbed on volunteers’ scalps and the movement of head lice tested in an experimental arena.

The findings also revealed that there was no significant difference in the response of head lice among samples of different ages and that human scalp ageing does not imply a significant change in head louse behaviour.

The results show the effect of host components such as sex of the host on conditioning head lice behavior.

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